Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lawsuit to Stop Destruction of Universe


They think a giant particle accelerator that will begin smashing protons together outside Geneva this summer might produce a black hole or something else that will spell the end of the Earth — and maybe the universe.

Scientists say that is very unlikely — though they have done some checking just to make sure.

"Your honor, as evidence I'd like to present this drawing I did... with very, very black crayons. And red ones (for the bluhhhhd)."

CERN Web site. Lots of cool features. (Especially the "destroying the universe" animation.)


Monday, March 24, 2008

Photos: Snake Eating Kangaroo

Oh. My. God.

My Tin Tin received an email from a friend in her native Australia. It had these photos in it. They were taken on February 3 of this year [?? finding them on the Web dated 2005] on "the 22 kilometre Lake Lindsay overland conveyor route near German Creek Mine," which is in central Queensland.

Hold on to your stomach.

My God, I love Australia.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sut Lovingood. Yarns Spun by a Nat'ral Born Durn'd Fool


Most famous character of mid-18th century humorist and sketch artist, and Mark Twain influence, George Washington Harris:

Hit am an orful thing, George, tu be a nat'ral born durn'd fool. Yu'se never 'sperienced hit pussonally, hev yu? Hits made pow'fully agin our famerly, an all owin tu dad. I orter bust my head open agin a bluff ove rocks, an' jis' wud du hit, ef I warnt a cussed coward.

Lots of great illustrations.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shoebill, or Whalehead

It's a bird.


And it's an Endangered Ugly thing. And I think I love it.

The Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) is a large stork (maybe), whose beak quite closely resembles footwear associated with 19th century Dutch (compare). They inhabit central African wetlands, where they feed on lungfish, catfish, frogs, lizards, and the like. ARKive puts their hunting strategy quite succinctly: “Prey is grasped from the water in the bird's sharp, hooked beak, which grips, crushes and pierces in one instant.”


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Google Image Search, Made-Up Word, II

Made up word: saetli

Google images: 3

Saetli: one; two; three.

Best one: "The sea defense structure and western marina. Beirut, Lebanon"

The sea defense structure and western marina. Beirut, Lebanon

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Home Black & Whites


I'll be looking into changing the layout here soon, so I can put much larger photos up, and give an option to expand photos to full screen.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

60W Sunbeam and Water

I took some photos last night with my relatively inexpensive Koday Z650 digital camera. f8; 1/1000. Straight into a 60W Sunbeam with falling water and a...

cheese grater...


nothing at all...
